
May 14, 2015

Students have started some research on the human body.  We are focusing on the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems.  Students have been put into small groups and are going to research and become the teachers of the body system they have been assigned.

April 8, 2015

We have been looking at cells in science.  We got cheek samples to look at as well as onion skin.  Students were able to see the nucleus and membrane.  We will continue to learn about cells adn their functions.

March 31, 2015

Sixth graders have started their studies of cells.   The first thing we will do is look at our own cheek cells with microscopes.  We will learn the parts of cells and their jobs.

March 23, 2015

We have been studying astronomy in sixth grade science.  We have talked about the relationship between the sun, moon and earth.  Students have also learned about solar and lunar eclipses.  We will soon have an assessment.  The next topic of study will be cells and then the human body.

March 9, 2015

Sixth graders learned a little more about tarantulas today by listening to the book The Tarantula Scientist by Sy Montgomery.  We also began our first concept study of astronomy.  Students will be learning about the relationship between the sun, moon and earth, eclipses, and gravity.

March 8, 2015

We have made our final switch with STE@M, Social Studies, and science.  Sixth graders are finishing up with science.  Their first exciting lesson was on tarantulas.  With the arrival of Rose the Rose Haired tarantula sixth graders did some research about her and made a poster of information. They quickly learned that she is not as scary as most people think.  Check out the special page devoted to Rose and tarantulas.

January 23, 2015

January 21, 2015

Fourth graders and third graders have started working together on a unit of electricity and magnetism. The first day together was spend exploring.








January 6, 2015

Fourth graders are finishing up the unit on ecosystems.  They are working in small groups to create a food web.  They are designing them on posters and are required to include at least 8 organisms that connect.
The next topic we will cover is electricity/magnetism.  We will do this unit with the third graders.

December 15, 2014

Fourth graders have started science!  The first few weeks were spent learning about the scientific process.  We discussed asking good questions, making observations and conclusions.  Our first unit is ecosystems.  We will focus on food webs, food chains and interdependence.

November 18, 2014

Use the following websites to find the answers to the questions on the worksheet Specialized Cells.

November 12, 2014

Students have finished their videos on biomes.  I will work on getting links to the videos posted on here soon.  Students did a nice job.  Using the green screen was a lot of fun!  We had fun learning how to use it and discovering the cool effects.  The last part of our work in ecosystems has to do with human effects on ecosystems.  Students are learning about a made up lake that is going to be built on. Some students are going to be debating in favor of the project and others will be against.   They need to look into the impact of the project on the city as well as the ecosystem surrounding the lake.


November 3, 2014
Students are studying biomes and preparing to make a video with the information they have learned. Students are coming up with a lot of creative ways to prove their biome either is or is not a good spot to host the show "Survivor".  Here are some pictures of them hard at work.



Here are several links to some great sites about Biomes!

username: Moretown  password: bobcat

October 20, 2014

"Survivor"!!  For our study of ecosystems we will be exploring the different biomes of the world.  Students have been put in groups of three and have been given a task.  The task is to decide whether or not the biome they are studying would be a good place to host the show "Survivor".   They are to create a short video for "producers" to watch reflecting their thoughts.  Stay tuned to find out what the producers of "Survivor" decide!

October 15, 2014

We are learning about ecosystems and food chains.  Here are some sites with fun games and information about food chains.

Here are some photos of our study of astronomy.  We made 3 different paper airplanes to simulate how gravity affects flight on the moon, mars and earth.


October 8, 2014

We have started our study of ecosystems this week.  We are starting by learning about the food web/food chain.  Ask your child what some biotic and abiotic elements of an ecosystem are.   Biomes and human impact on ecosystems will also be studied.  I have some really fun hands on activities planned that will be both engaging and educational.

October 3, 2014

Our learning about Astronomy moved on to eclipses.  We modeled it with flashlights and made replication of the sun, moon and earth to show how eclipses work.  We saw some amazing pictures of eclipses and found out there is a lunar eclipse on October 8th and a solar eclipse on October 23.  I hope everyone gets a chance to get outside and see one of the spectacular shows.  We finished our work in Astronomy with a look at gravity.  We dropped water cups and flew planes.  Ask your child what both of these had to do with gravity.  We will have a test on Monday and then begin our study of ecosystems.




We have started our unit on Astronomy.  We have talked about different beliefs about how the universe was created.  We looked at some myths from around the world and students were asked to create their own.  I am anxious to see what they come up with.
We talked about why we have day/night as well as years, months and seasons.  Moon phases were discovered through the use of ping pong balls.  To check our understanding we used small Oreos and made them look like the eight phases of the moon.  We will next discover what an eclipse is and also learn about gravity.


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