Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Have a Great Summer-

Looks like we are missing a few weeks of data - sorry about that - will try to place end of the year data on during the summer.

456 team

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tonight, Thursday May 14, 2015 will be the BBQ and dance to benefit the ECO program.  BBQ starts at 5:15 and the dancing will begin at 6:30.  We hope to see you all there.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Have a great April Vacation!

We will see everyone on April 27th as we begin our final 7 week push to the last day of school!  

1.  SBAC tests begin on Tuesday, April 28.  We will provide morning snacks for the students prior to the start of the assessment.  Assessments will occur on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - with make ups on Friday for a two week period.

2.  Community meeting to be held on April 29 at 6:30 in the multi-purpose room.

Enjoy your time with family and friends...

Our 5th grade whole school energy team hard at work investigating the usage and efficiency of our systems within our school.  Thanks to the VEEP (Vermont Energy Education Program) for their assistance with this project!  

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Morgan Weiss from "Homegrown Scales" came to visit with a few friends.  We learned a lot about snakes and bearded dragons.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The afternoon of March 31st students in grades 4-6 will have visitors, reptile visitors to be more specific.  Morgan works at One Stop Pet Shop in Barre and has her own reptile breeding business.  She has generously offered to volunteer her time to share some of her pets with the class.  Parents are welcome to join us.  Specific time is yet to be determined, however it will be somewhere between 2-3.  All students are asked to have a permission slip signed if they would like to touch or hold any of the reptiles.  
Also, check out Rose's page.  She molted!!!  

Sunday, March 8, 2015

MARCH brings some new changes for our 456ers.


The French website has been updated.  Take a look at what your children are doing in French by clicking on:  Moretown School French Website.

As March rolls in, our 456ers will experience a few changes.  The 6th grade class will have Mrs. Puffer for science, The fifth grade class will have Ms. Hopper for Social Studies and the 4th graders will be in our STE@M class.

Updates and reminders:

1.  Report cards go home Tuesday March 17th and Parent Conferences are being held Thursday March 19th and Friday March 20th in the morning.  See our new online schedule system to set up a time.  You can use the following link (the password is 3742)
2.  Our 456ers will take the first web based state assessments in May.
3.  April 9th will be our Math activity night at the school.  The evening begins at 6pm.  
4.  Our cold weather experience with the Norwich Cadets has been postponed due to extreme low temperatures.  We will let everyone know when and if they decide to try this again.
5.  Our leadership team visited the Fayston Elementary School to experience a day with a partner student there to understand how their school works, and what we can bring back to our school to improve our students' experience in Moretown.  The Fayston students will visit Moretown on Friday for the same reason.
6. Our 4th grade students will take the Science NECAPs in May.
7.  We have a pet Tarantula.  Rose arrived Monday and will be housed in Mrs. Puffer's room.  Parents were sent a note home with more information.  There will also be a page for Rose with information about her and tarantula's in general.

As always let us know how we can better communicate with our school families.

We look forward to working and learning with all of your children in the coming months.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Enjoy your Winter Break!  

See everyone in March
Hacking into our netbooks with bananas? 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Join me Thursday January 29th at 6pm in my room (Mrs. Puffer) to discuss math!  I will give you an overview of the math students are working on and hopefully will have time to play a few games.